Saturday, September 25, 2010

Something about me..!!

Yoo.. I'm Mohammad Azuan Bin Mohd Kamar.. I'm 18 this year.
I'm still studying and currently in Nanyang polytechnic.
I totally hate Mat rep.. 
Yup.. That's me.. I love to go out and have fun with my dearest friends.
Especially my bestfriends Naz and SyEra.. 
They're the one that kept me going and made my life with a never-ending smile.

This everyone, is my cool and crazy family..
They totally supported me in everything.
 I've always quarrelled with them but they say a family will
 always stay a family even if they are far apart.
Air yang dicincang tidak akan diputus..
In english.. (water we cut-cut never separate)hehe..

SYERA LEY>>Syera's blog
My cute and adorable bestfriend.. She's a cool girl.
I love to see her happy. She just broke up with her b.f.
Soo from now on, I must take care of her.
Anyway, she stil owe me a mac Flurry!! haha..
Love you syera..

We'll this is my another bestfriend, Naz..
More to brother's i guess.. He so love to work out..
Anyway, he's totally a random guy.
Stupid but he really helped me alot in many ways..

My Lovely Girl.
Ahhh. Beautiful isn't she?? This is my Sayang or Baobei..
She's half chinese.. Cool right. So fair.  haha. 
Anyway, she's so cute when she's hyper..
I love you sweetheart.. Muaacckkzz... 

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