Monday, September 27, 2010

Damn MatReps..

Haiz.. I just don't understand man..
All the trends MatRep take..
E.g Floating caps, Nike slippers..
Its so cool i admit it but it's been labelled as a MatRep..
LIke so true man.. As of that I can't use that anymore
scared i'll be called a Mat too. DAMN MATS!!
Isn't that enough?? Now, the hot girls also go to them.. o.o
Haiyoo.. Not Fair. Why go with them?? Because got protection?
Cause they cool? They have cool names?? Come on!! Spade? Joker?
They call themselves that but they're not even funny.
My grandmother's name is Petom and even she is funnier i think.
Is it because of the tatto'S? Tattoo cheap cheap ones like do themself,
take drugs then got caught!! When will they learn??
Come on girls, do you think that you will have a great future with them?
Think and reflect.. think of your future!
Do you want your son to grow up and be like his dad??

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