Monday, September 27, 2010

A Day Out with a Bestfriend.!

Today's one of the day that i won't forget.
Went of with Syera.. haha..
Wow, I had a wonderful time with her.
had lunch and saw this guy from Africa..
He's got a cool hair.. so i asked him about it..
got to know taht it's natural.
and the cool part is that, we went marina
square and saw him again.
such a small country.. lol.
Anyway, Syera and I had a debation about
 "why you shouldn't date a friend"
and she was like.. NO NO!! You shouldn't!!.. haha..
It was a totally fun day for me..
Syera totally spent the day so that i won't be home
alone feeling sad about my break up..
I knew you did that for me..
Thank you Syera.! You've made my day..
I love you alot girl..!! Wish all those will never end.

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