Thursday, September 30, 2010


Walao.. Wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy.. haha
did you feel that way?? haha. Stupid Keisha soong..
well I don't. haha. anyways, I woke up at 3.
Then eat a nasi lemak my sister bought for me..
Walao.. The chicken so big. and the rice so little.. -.-"
Then eat  with a cup of coke. WAhh.. so full beb.
Then they say. What goes in must come out.
haiyoo.. I went 4 times.. haha.. if you know what i mean..
huhu.. Then meet naz.. Didn't even bath.. HAHA.
I know. Like no life sia Azuan!! haha..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Love is so unbelievable.
Love is so devine.
but when love breaks,
don't blame pain.. cause love is love,
and pain is pain.. I've learnt that from a friend.
A friend that is not afraid to be herself.
When you love someone,
when you truly love someone,
that person becomes a part of you,
They become your life, your everything.
They change you and they inspire you in so many ways that are so indesdescribable, how can you let
go of someone that had made such impact on your life?
how can you let go of anything that keeps you going,
keeps you strong?
Loving someone with all you have is to let your fear go.
Cause when you love someone whole-heartedly,
you'll let yourself go.
TO live is to love.
So do you think you can let go of the one you love,
the one that you're willing to do anything for?
I don't think you can cause i think that whatever that happens, whether you're still together or not, they are always in you.. In your heart!!.. Forever..

Sad but True.

When I got my results, I saw my friends reaction.
some got higher than me while some others got lower.
But the fact is, when your friend got lower than you,
you'll feel bad.. but when your friend got higher than you,
that's when you'll feel the worse.. however I'm forever proud of
 my friends..
And those wno doesn't get a higher mark, work hard okay??
Just can see you guy feeling down.. Let's study together okay??..

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Memorable Day..!

I spent the afternoon with Naz.
yup.. Did nothing much actually..
Then that night, we have a Motorcycle
practical session at 8.40p.m.
And we passed!!
Sooo freaking happy and we went super hyper..
We danced in the bus like noone business..
I would like to say sorry to everyone that was sitting beside us.
They looked so irritated, but who cares.. haha.
When alighting the bus, we did the "bangla" dance.
Naz actually wiggled his but at one ah beng!!
The ah beng was like so annoyed sia..
wow.. anyways, thats that.. however this is one of
the memorable days.. Crazy friends..
Do you guys have a crazzy friend that's not afraid to be himself??
Well, it's totally fun..! So what you waiting for..
Find a crazy buddy..!! hehehehehehe..
I so love my dumb friend!!
(P.S. I'm not Gay..!) haha..

My G.P.A.

Wooo.. I got 2.3 for my G.P.A.
A little disappointed but I've accepted the fact..
Cause come on. What can you expect if
you went for a 2 hours examination and did the paper for 30 minutes.
haha.. but so cool.. I was expecting a 1.2 or something..
anyways, I'm just grateful that I don't need to repeat any modules. :)
But however I want to try harder next time.. So here i come higher G.P.A.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Damn MatReps..

Haiz.. I just don't understand man..
All the trends MatRep take..
E.g Floating caps, Nike slippers..
Its so cool i admit it but it's been labelled as a MatRep..
LIke so true man.. As of that I can't use that anymore
scared i'll be called a Mat too. DAMN MATS!!
Isn't that enough?? Now, the hot girls also go to them.. o.o
Haiyoo.. Not Fair. Why go with them?? Because got protection?
Cause they cool? They have cool names?? Come on!! Spade? Joker?
They call themselves that but they're not even funny.
My grandmother's name is Petom and even she is funnier i think.
Is it because of the tatto'S? Tattoo cheap cheap ones like do themself,
take drugs then got caught!! When will they learn??
Come on girls, do you think that you will have a great future with them?
Think and reflect.. think of your future!
Do you want your son to grow up and be like his dad??

A Day Out with a Bestfriend.!

Today's one of the day that i won't forget.
Went of with Syera.. haha..
Wow, I had a wonderful time with her.
had lunch and saw this guy from Africa..
He's got a cool hair.. so i asked him about it..
got to know taht it's natural.
and the cool part is that, we went marina
square and saw him again.
such a small country.. lol.
Anyway, Syera and I had a debation about
 "why you shouldn't date a friend"
and she was like.. NO NO!! You shouldn't!!.. haha..
It was a totally fun day for me..
Syera totally spent the day so that i won't be home
alone feeling sad about my break up..
I knew you did that for me..
Thank you Syera.! You've made my day..
I love you alot girl..!! Wish all those will never end.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Phheeewww... So tiring..
I went to sleep and watch a freaking sad movie.
o.m.g So SaD! The title is Lagenda budak setan.
haha. anyway watched the movie til 4a.m and need to
wake up at 8 the next morning.. haha. I can barely open my eyes.
I went to work and after that went to the gym.
and look..!!
haha.. Step only.. anyway after i went home,
The next thing I realised, I walked like a zombie.. haha.
Now at resting.. Tomorrow I'm meeting my bestfriend Syera!! 
So see you tomorrow okay!! haha..

End of a Beautiful Relationship!

Damn.. I never imagine this to happen. It's almost a year
now but it's decided.
Today, I broke up with a beautiful girl, Natasha.
Everything were so complicated..
But I don't think i can hold on to her..
"Natashaz, I hope your reading this.. Even though we're not together,
please.. Keep your promise and study hard.. I'm sorry that things never worked out..
I guess this is the last time I'll be saying this..
Natasha.. I love you..! I'm sorry I dragged you all this way..
It's okay if you hate me as long as you remember that promise you've made..
A song I always sing to you... "Tak Pernah"  Thank you for everything.." 03/10/09
My friends!! LOVE we say is so divine and lovely till the day they part..
It's better to have not love at all..

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Something about me..!!

Yoo.. I'm Mohammad Azuan Bin Mohd Kamar.. I'm 18 this year.
I'm still studying and currently in Nanyang polytechnic.
I totally hate Mat rep.. 
Yup.. That's me.. I love to go out and have fun with my dearest friends.
Especially my bestfriends Naz and SyEra.. 
They're the one that kept me going and made my life with a never-ending smile.

This everyone, is my cool and crazy family..
They totally supported me in everything.
 I've always quarrelled with them but they say a family will
 always stay a family even if they are far apart.
Air yang dicincang tidak akan diputus..
In english.. (water we cut-cut never separate)hehe..

SYERA LEY>>Syera's blog
My cute and adorable bestfriend.. She's a cool girl.
I love to see her happy. She just broke up with her b.f.
Soo from now on, I must take care of her.
Anyway, she stil owe me a mac Flurry!! haha..
Love you syera..

We'll this is my another bestfriend, Naz..
More to brother's i guess.. He so love to work out..
Anyway, he's totally a random guy.
Stupid but he really helped me alot in many ways..

My Lovely Girl.
Ahhh. Beautiful isn't she?? This is my Sayang or Baobei..
She's half chinese.. Cool right. So fair.  haha. 
Anyway, she's so cute when she's hyper..
I love you sweetheart.. Muaacckkzz...