Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Everything happened for a reason or Everything happens cause it's fated? hmm..

I had a deejavu in the afternoon..
and i started thinking that why do we have dream of 
somethings thats going to happen?
Is that a message from god?
Or is it because it's fated?
Noone knows the real meaning of a dream..
The only thing we know is that it is a 
part of memory that is being mix around with our 
imagination , something like that.
But if it is what they say it is,
then how do you explain deejavu??
I'm starting to think that we are all reincarnated 
and the dream is what we do in the past.
when i say "past" it means our past life!
What if the world had faced jugdement day.
and everything starts to live again till now..
who knows in the previous life my name is the same??
and everythings a cycle..
so what we dreamt that is about to happen, actually had happened.!
hhaha.. damn i'm weird.. but that what i feel about life..
maybe you guys should do a research bout this..
and ask yourself..
I bet you'll be thinking the same way as me..

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