Friday, November 5, 2010


Envy.. Is it jealousy?? Or is it more than jealousy??
Well, in life, we had definitely face in that situation.
e.g. a friend of mine is envy of me
 cause even when i'm always slacking,
I still got into the poly's.. Blablabla..
Well, i feel the same way too.
but in a different perspective of course.
Well here's a hand.. Take the person you envy the most as
an example and learn to take in some stuff..
like if you envy him or her, then work hard for it
cause if there's a will, there's a way..
Push yourself.. Everyone is special in their own way..
Little did you know there's someone
out there that is really envying you..
but as for those who is envy of features, that i can't help.
all i can say is, Just be happy that god
gave you eyes and a mind to even see and read this..

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