Friday, November 19, 2010

Do you have a best friend?

A best friend somebody that you can trust one hundred percent.
A best friend does not spread news to others.
All of us have stages of our life when we really need a friend.
We may be in trouble, we may have done a terrible deed, 
what we require in this situation is somebody to support us, 
listen to our problems, offer advice
but most of all not to judge us. 
We all make mistakes; after all we are all human. 
A best friend will offer all of these things, without hesitation.
We all need somebody to be able to phone from time to time, 
just for a chat, somebody who will make us laugh and ultimately happy. 
We all need to have the odd night out, perhaps at the cinema, 
perhaps to go for a drink or perhaps to go to the theatre. 
A best friend will be the person to call and will make time for us in these situations.
A best friend will not stab you in the back by attempting to steal your boy/girlfriend, 
they will not spread rumours about you, 
you should be able to trust them with your life.
That is what I define a best friend.
But try to imagine losing a best friend. :(
For me, Losing a best friend is like losing a part of my life.
Cause my best friend really taught me a lot of lessons about life,
and if he/she is not there, I do not think i'll be strong as I am today.
Maybe He/She does not realize the good deed they have done but for me,
their smile is all I need for my day to continue on with a wide smile.
I love you best friend.

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