Sunday, November 28, 2010

My DAD!!

Now I know where my stupid and Irritating
behaviour comes from..!
HAHHA. Love you dad! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Whenever I hear from you, My heart start beating! :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Love is great. So great that we 
actually forget all the bad things.
I'm scared when I'm in love.
Cause I'm scared to lose the one i love.
Once apart, I will feel awkward therefore,
the feeling is different..
Yeah. this such..
But If I don't make that move,
There's a high risk she'll be taken.
but if i don't.. Then I'll be a coward.
Hiding my feelings.. 
Arggghhh.. What should I do??

Friday, November 19, 2010

Do you have a best friend?

A best friend somebody that you can trust one hundred percent.
A best friend does not spread news to others.
All of us have stages of our life when we really need a friend.
We may be in trouble, we may have done a terrible deed, 
what we require in this situation is somebody to support us, 
listen to our problems, offer advice
but most of all not to judge us. 
We all make mistakes; after all we are all human. 
A best friend will offer all of these things, without hesitation.
We all need somebody to be able to phone from time to time, 
just for a chat, somebody who will make us laugh and ultimately happy. 
We all need to have the odd night out, perhaps at the cinema, 
perhaps to go for a drink or perhaps to go to the theatre. 
A best friend will be the person to call and will make time for us in these situations.
A best friend will not stab you in the back by attempting to steal your boy/girlfriend, 
they will not spread rumours about you, 
you should be able to trust them with your life.
That is what I define a best friend.
But try to imagine losing a best friend. :(
For me, Losing a best friend is like losing a part of my life.
Cause my best friend really taught me a lot of lessons about life,
and if he/she is not there, I do not think i'll be strong as I am today.
Maybe He/She does not realize the good deed they have done but for me,
their smile is all I need for my day to continue on with a wide smile.
I love you best friend.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Soon The Smoking Aces will start jamming again now 
that everyone is free.!!!
Woohoooo..! :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

My mind says that I don't love you,
Then why do you keep on appearing in my eyes??
Do i love you?

Friday, November 5, 2010

If I were given a chance,
I would change all the mistakes I've done to you!!
Treat you right and be the one
that is wiping your tears..
I'm so sorry I can't be a good boyfriend.
If I were given a second chance,
That's all I'm asking for..


Envy.. Is it jealousy?? Or is it more than jealousy??
Well, in life, we had definitely face in that situation.
e.g. a friend of mine is envy of me
 cause even when i'm always slacking,
I still got into the poly's.. Blablabla..
Well, i feel the same way too.
but in a different perspective of course.
Well here's a hand.. Take the person you envy the most as
an example and learn to take in some stuff..
like if you envy him or her, then work hard for it
cause if there's a will, there's a way..
Push yourself.. Everyone is special in their own way..
Little did you know there's someone
out there that is really envying you..
but as for those who is envy of features, that i can't help.
all i can say is, Just be happy that god
gave you eyes and a mind to even see and read this..

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Everything happened for a reason or Everything happens cause it's fated? hmm..

I had a deejavu in the afternoon..
and i started thinking that why do we have dream of 
somethings thats going to happen?
Is that a message from god?
Or is it because it's fated?
Noone knows the real meaning of a dream..
The only thing we know is that it is a 
part of memory that is being mix around with our 
imagination , something like that.
But if it is what they say it is,
then how do you explain deejavu??
I'm starting to think that we are all reincarnated 
and the dream is what we do in the past.
when i say "past" it means our past life!
What if the world had faced jugdement day.
and everything starts to live again till now..
who knows in the previous life my name is the same??
and everythings a cycle..
so what we dreamt that is about to happen, actually had happened.!
hhaha.. damn i'm weird.. but that what i feel about life..
maybe you guys should do a research bout this..
and ask yourself..
I bet you'll be thinking the same way as me..

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Love.!

People say First Love is hard to forget.
Well I think it's so damn true.!
My first love was when I was Secondary 1.
Maisurah's her name.
Even though it's not that long with her,
I can never forget every single moment I've spent with her.
Every time I think of her, It'll remind me
of how stupid I was then.
How I really wish I could turn back time
to hug you and say how much I really love you.
Guess there's no way I can do that.
If I were given a choice to choose Either diamond or
gold or anthing else in the world,
I'll only choose your smile..
Cause of what i remember, your smile is my happiness.
I love you Maisurah Binte Hamid.