Friday, October 29, 2010

Such a funny day..

WHen i reached school, Syira called me and
say.. AZUUUUAAAANN my slipper broke..
then she walk all the way bare footed.
then another was in the canteen.
Syira was sitting infront of me and Kabilan
was beside her..
Then, a girl came and want to shake Syira's hand
and kabilan give his hand..
Omg.. He was so red.. Embarassed.
all of the other students was laughing at him..
next, Syira wanted to buy a drink at the vending machine,
and the can got stuck.! hhahha..
then next after that, there's a vomit that is actually around
12meters..(hint-1meter is a car door length)
so try to imagine that bugger vomit.. hhahha..
I laughed like non of anyone's business..
lastly, time to go home.. syira's slippers broke again.. she walk bare footed.
Everyone was looking at her.. damn i was laughing all the way.
But i feel a little pity for her. hhaha..
Then i accompanied her home.. haiz.. Such a random day.. :)

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