Friday, October 22, 2010

22th october 2010

Sorry guys didn't update yesterday..
Was damn busy..
I'm so expert in Mathematics right now. haha.
ok random.
anyway, I was so damn bored just now in class,
guess who came to let me smile??
Yup thats right.. Syira..
She loves to disturb me but in a way,
I feel so damn happy when she's around me..
When she's not beside me, I feel lonely.
She's like the most random person I've ever met..
Love you gurl..
The Greatest Bestfriend eveerr.. :)

Yay.. Tomorrow's SATURDAYYYY..!!!
Can wake up late.. hehe
I wanna wake up at 6p.m.
haha. No life seh..
By the way... There's a song that keeps playing inside
my head.. A song by radiohead..

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