Sunday, October 31, 2010


All i did was care and now,
this girl hate me..
Its not that i know that you don't like it.
why do you always jump to conclusion?
now that you hate me,
I guess there's no point saying sorry.
i've learned something stupid and sometimes acceptable.!
There's no need to be nice to anyone cause
you'll only get shit back on your face.!
Fuck you bitch.!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Such a funny day..

WHen i reached school, Syira called me and
say.. AZUUUUAAAANN my slipper broke..
then she walk all the way bare footed.
then another was in the canteen.
Syira was sitting infront of me and Kabilan
was beside her..
Then, a girl came and want to shake Syira's hand
and kabilan give his hand..
Omg.. He was so red.. Embarassed.
all of the other students was laughing at him..
next, Syira wanted to buy a drink at the vending machine,
and the can got stuck.! hhahha..
then next after that, there's a vomit that is actually around
12meters..(hint-1meter is a car door length)
so try to imagine that bugger vomit.. hhahha..
I laughed like non of anyone's business..
lastly, time to go home.. syira's slippers broke again.. she walk bare footed.
Everyone was looking at her.. damn i was laughing all the way.
But i feel a little pity for her. hhaha..
Then i accompanied her home.. haiz.. Such a random day.. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I dozed off in class just now..
The class was so damn boring and
the teacher was so scary..
hhahha.. Anyway, when to chill with amirul and we watch
a video on youtube. Micheal jackson fail!
It was so funny that i laughed loud really2 loud..
Everyone was looking and my friend laughed tiil he cried
like a girl.. hahha.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Ok.. Today, I went to Pasir Ris to meet my friends.
Found a new friend.. Her name is Diana.
She's one open-minded girl. haha.
We talked, laughed..
Then we make some stupid jokes.
Damn I had fun just now. feeling like my stomach wanna explode..

Everything's the way it used to be.

Ahhh. So relieved now..
Everything's the way it used to be.
My uncle is back on taking drugs.
My cat is back sleeping on the fridge.
My best-friend is back on being crazy.!
I can be used to a life like this.
I love this world..

Monday, October 25, 2010

haha. I find it so sad..

boy- i missed u at school 2day, y weren't u there?
girl- yeah, i had to go to the doctor.
boy- oh realy? y?
girl- oh nothin, annual shots, thats all.
boy- oh
girl- so wht did we do in math 2day?
boy- u didnt miss ne thing that great.......just lots of notes
girl- ok good
boy- yeah
girl- hey i have a question......
boy- ok, ask away much do u love me?
boy- u kno i love u more than anything
girl- yeah.....
boy- y did u ask?
girl-................>silence< ..........
boy- is something wrong?
girl- no nothing at all
boy- good.
girl- much do u care about me?
boy- i would give u the world in a heartbeat if i could.
girl- u would?
boy- yeah.........of course i would >sounding worried< is there something wrong??
girl- no, everythings fine......
boy- are u sure?
girl- yeah.
boy- ok.......i hope so.
girl- ..............would u die for me?
boy- i would take a bullet for u anyday, hun
girl- realy?
boy- anyday. now seriously, is there something wrong???
girl- no im fine, ur fine, we're fine, everyones fine.
boy- ............ok
girl-......................well i have to go ill c u 2morrow at school.
boy- alright, bye. I LOVE YOU.
girl- yeah, i love u 2, bye.
boy- hey, have u seen my g/f 2day?
friend- no
boy- oh.
friend- she wasnt here yesterday either.
boy- i know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last nite.
friend- well dude u kno how gurls are sumtimes
boy- yeah........but not her.
friend- idk wht else 2 say, man.
boy- k well i gotta get 2 english, ill c ya after school.
friend- yeah i gotta get to science, ttyl.
girl- hello?
boy- hey
girl- oh, hi.
boy- y weren't u at school 2day?
girl- uh.......i had another doctor appointment.
boy- are u sick?
girl- i have 2 go, my mom's callin on my other line.
boy- ill wait.
girl- it may take a while, ill call u later.
boy-........alright, i love u hun.
very long pause<

girl- (with tear in her eye) look, i think we should break up.
boy- what???
girl- its the best thing for us right now.
boy- y????
girl- i love u.

boy- hey dude
friend- hey
boy- whats up
friend- nothin, hey have u talked 2 ur ex lately?
boy- no
friend- so u didnt hear?
boy- hear what?
friend- um idk if i should be the one to tell u......
boy- dude, wtf tell me
friend- this number....433-555-3468
boy- ok............
voice- hello, suppam county hospital, this is nurse beckam.
boy- uh.......i must have the wrong number, im looking for my friend.
voice- what is her name, sir?
(boy gives info)
voice- yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here.
boy- rele? y? what happened??? how is she???
voice- her room number is ..646, in building A, suite 3.
boy- WHT HAPPENED??!!!!
voice- plz come by sir and you can see her, goodbye.
boy- WAIT! NO!
*dial tone*
boy- omg are u ok??
girl- ..................
boy- sweetie!! talk to me!!
girl- i..........
boy- u what?? U WHAT???
girl- i have cancer and im on life support
boy- .....................>breaks into tears< ......................
girl- they're taking me off 2night
boy- y??
girl- i wanted 2 tell u but i couldnt
boy- y didnt u tell me????
girl- i didnt want 2 hurt u.
boy- u could never hurt me
girl- i just wanted 2 c if u felt bout me as the same i felt bout u.
boy- ?
girl- i love u more than anything, i would give u the world in a heartbeat. i would die for you and take a bullet for you.
boy- ...........
girl- dont be sad, i love u n ill always be here w/u
boy- then y'd u break up w/me?
nurse- young man, visiting hours are over.
but wht the boy didn't kno is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up w/him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.
the boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the other...
THE NOTE SAID:i told her i would take a bullet for her....just like she said she would die for me...
weird huh?
You don't seemed like yourself.
please tell me what happen..
I feel so useless..:(

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Why is it so hurtful to see you in pain?
And it hurts even more when i can't do a
single thing to make the situation better.
Why do i always feel this way??

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rabne Bana Di Jodi

"Rabne Bana Di Jodi" is a damn great movie.! 
Taani is a pretty and vivacious girl, ends up
 married to Surinder Sahni, a very staid and boring man. 
While he is completely smitten by her, 
she has no feelings for him. Such sad movie. 
I'm going to watch it today with Nazri! hehe..
Wanna Join..? haha..

Friday, October 22, 2010

So cute!!

Dahulukala, langit dan laut saling jatuh cinta. Mereka saling
menyukai di antara satu sama lain. Oleh sebab sangat sukanya laut
terhadap langit, warna laut sama dengan warna langit. Oleh sebab
sangat sukanya langit terhadap laut, warna langit sama denga warna
Setiap senja datang, si laut dengan lembut sekali membisikkan kata-
kata `Aku Cinta Padamu’ ke telinga langit. Setiap kali langit
mendengar bisikan penuh cinta laut terhadapnya, langit tidak
menjawab apa-apa , hanya tersipu-sipu malu dengan wajah kemerah-
Suatu hari, datanglah awan. Melihat kecantikan si langit, awan terus
jatuh hati terhadap langit, bak cinta pandang pertama. Tetapi tentu
sahaja langit hanya setia mencintai laut. Setiap hari, langit hanya
mahu melihat laut sahaja. Awan berasa sedih tetapi ia tidak berputus
asa mencari cara dan akhirnya mendapat satu akal. Awan mengembangkan
dirinya seluas dan sebesar mungkin serta menyusup ke tengah-tengah
di antara langit dan laut. Ia berusaha menghalangi pandangan langit
dan laut terhadap satu sama lain.
Laut berasa marah kerana tidak dapat melihat langit. Laut
mengeluarkan gelombangnya bagi mengusir awan yang mengganggu
pandangannya. Tetapi tentu sekali usahanya tidak berhasil. Lalu
datanglah angin yang sejak dulu mengetahui hubungan cinta langit dan
laut. Angin berasakan perlu membantu langit dan laut menyingkirkan
awan yang mengganggu perhubungan mereka yang sekian lama terjalin.
Dengan tiupan keras dan kuat, angin meniup awan. Lantas terpecah-
pecahlah awan menjadi berselerak ke banyak bahagian, sehingga ia
tidak berupaya lagi melihat langit dengan jelas dan tidak mampu lagi
untuk mengungkapkan perasaannya terhadap langit. Kerana rasa
terseksa menanggung perasaan cinta yang menggunung tinggi terhadap
langit, awan menangis sedih.
Hingga sekarang, kasih antara langit dan laut tidak dapat
dipisahkan. Kita juga dapat melihat di mana mereka menjalin kasih.
Setiap kali memandang ke hujung laut, di mana ada garisan horizon
yang menemukan langit dan laut, di situlah mereka sedang berpacaran.

22th october 2010

Sorry guys didn't update yesterday..
Was damn busy..
I'm so expert in Mathematics right now. haha.
ok random.
anyway, I was so damn bored just now in class,
guess who came to let me smile??
Yup thats right.. Syira..
She loves to disturb me but in a way,
I feel so damn happy when she's around me..
When she's not beside me, I feel lonely.
She's like the most random person I've ever met..
Love you gurl..
The Greatest Bestfriend eveerr.. :)

Yay.. Tomorrow's SATURDAYYYY..!!!
Can wake up late.. hehe
I wanna wake up at 6p.m.
haha. No life seh..
By the way... There's a song that keeps playing inside
my head.. A song by radiohead..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

20th October 2010

Came to school at 10a.m.
I was lost trying to find the class. -.-
The way to class was complicated.
It's like a game, where you need to open a door to find more doors.
hhaha. Anyways, It's quite an easy day for me..
I love Wednesday!! :)
Syira was so funny.. But So IRRITATING..!
Keep on Clawwing me like a cat..
but I had fun..

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

When out after school with my bestie just now..
Wait till 8 to collect a hamster's thing..
Some wheel thing i think.
anyway, we went to eat..
 i had a lot of fun.
thanks babe.. hehe..
When i came back home, my mom forced me to eat again...
And i was like.. ARGGGHH, so FULLL..
My stomach felt like it'll explode anytime.. HAHA..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Today suck.!

School on monday starts at 8 till 6p.m.
Monday blues and to top it up,
All in lecture somemore.. -.-"
haha.. I went to school half day, 
got bored and went home just now..
so much for "Azuan..! Lets work hard his semester.."
Then went home and went straight to my room an slept
even with my bag still on.
crazy right.. That happens when i'm really exhausted..
That night, Naz and I got a test.. I managed to pass but Naz failed.
I'm glad so glad I passed but however I feel so bad for Naz..
Can't wait to ge my licence..
Look.! My dream Bike.!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Awh.. So sweet.!

You are the girl i have been searching for..
When I'm with you, I can't stop smiling.
And It feels like a crime if I don't.!
Those words you said to me,
were so damn sweet.
I wish you're mine..
I wanna hug you everyday of my life.! :)
Damn, I'm in love......

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Met my band yesterday.
Supposely to meet at 5 but my basis came at 7.
walao.. haha. but i really had a great time though..
We're creating a new song titled "Another Day".!
Damn cool man!!
hehe.. Here's my bandmates. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bored nyer At Home!!

Wake up.. Eat.. Then back to sleep..
Wake up again, Eat again and sleep again..
Come on Azuan..! Get a life.. HAHA..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Tried to sleep from 12 a.m till 4a.m.
Turn here turn there.. STILL AWAKE!!
when finally got to sleep,
My DUMB cat jump on me.
Woke up and can't sleep again at 6a.m.
HAIYOO!! So troubesome taking my license
at UBI.!! Everyday no slots.. Don't take there ok??

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Damn.. My whole body hurts..!!!


Why are you so dumb or are you just acting that way??
I've gave you all the hints..
but you still cant see it??
I'm so confused..
I don't wanna lose a Great friend but
why do i feel so sad not to get you??
Damn Love!! Haiizz..
Walaaaooo.. TIRED...!!!!!
just came back from work..
I feel like don't even wanna move for a few days..

Saturday, October 9, 2010

2003 Bedok Green Primary School Classmates.

Hehe. It's been 7 years now..
Miss my old classmates. Some became fat.
while some fat became thin..
some ugly became cute.
while some cute became even cuter,
Haha.. Went out Hari Rayer with them last 2 weeks to mdm Saodah's house..
Damn.. I'm really grateful i;ve got to se you guys again..
Love you all..
Love them..

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can't wait.!!

My 1st brother getting engaged on the 10th oct 2010.
Arghhh.. I wanna get married... hehe...


I've met a girl that had just broke up with her boyfriend..
She didn't want to find a new one and to be in love again.
And she told me that She's scared that it'll happen again.
but something She didn't realise that not all guys are a monster.
If you're not willing to try how can you find the truth. Right?
So please.. If you're reading this.. Please think.. Don't ruin your future.
There is hope..
This goes for all you girls to out there. Cause when you do this,
you'll learn how to be strong.. :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Idol..!!

Ronnie James Dio.. Born on July 10, 1942 in New Hampshire, Dio got his professional start in the late '60s when he helped found the band Elf in 1967.
A guy that inspires me to be in a band..
You may not know him but he is one of the few 
that made rock history.. He is the icon that symbolizes ROCK!
16/may/2010. He died caused of cancer..
Looks like there no where on earth i can ever see his concert.
But whatever it is, He will always be remembered..
Rest in Peace Dio.. WE ROCK!!!!!


Today could have been a year for us..
Anyways. I'm at my cousin's house, Suhail.
I'll be staying there till tuesday..
While I'm here, Im going to spend my time
having fun with my cuz.. Its been 2 days now since i have slept..
haha.. I wana beat my record for not sleeping for 4 days..
Crazy right.. I've got Panda eyes... hehe..
I think i'll be like them once that happens... LOL!

Friday, October 1, 2010

School Schedule Sucks!!

Haiyooooo.. Si Bei Sian ah(very the suck)..
My class schedule really suck..
come on man. I need to wake up 2 hours before school starts..
Worse, monday my class starts at 8a.m.-____-""
haha.. lucky I can the next day starts at 1..
I just wish  i can control the schedule and arrange it to a fun timing..